The First Note
The Goal of KJZ Music is to instill a love of music in each student and to develop a students maximum potential from paid performance to a student who plays for pleasure and enjoyment. Our commitment is to provide each student with the finest education in performance and theory. KJZ Music is absolutely an extraordinary learning experience.
Teach In Harmony
Students are expected to practice daily. The obligation to practice daily lies not only with the student but also with the parent. Please make practice a daily routine. The results will be amazing.
The Future Sounds Good

Founder’s Notes
As a life long student of music myself, I realized early on how much impact it can have on a persons life. It became my passion, and goal to help others have that in their lives as well.
Kevin Zugschwert
We’d love to hear from you!
KJZ Music | Aurora, CO | 80017 | office@kjzmusic.com